F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2

A B U N D A N C E !

 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 

Can you feel it?  January had us in more of a slow mode - easing into the year and integrating the lessons we learned - while February’s energy feels powerful, clear, and fertile for expansion, opportunities, and abundance. 
 We have a powerful New Moon to kick off the month, three power portal days (2/2/2022, 2/20/2022, 2/22/2022), and Mercury goes direct on the 4th…whew!
 Make sure your vision is clear!   Visualize, journal, script or meditate on exactly what you desire – see it in HD, write it in detail, use all of your senses to experience your desire in your mind’s eye and then match this with the emotion you feel when you think of or see this.  Sink into your heartspace and then focus on amplifying this emotion into something bigger and bigger until it is as expanded as you can make it.  Hold this energy for a few minutes.  Try to repeat often – especially on those power portal days.
 If you like to use physical tools to help you in your spiritual work, I have a few things that may help and would love to give you a discount this magical month!  Get a Manifest Mini Meditation Tin, Abundance Meditation Box, or any Manifest or Abundance Scenter Yourself Essential Oil Roller Blend for a 15% discount through the month of February. 
Just use code “ABUNDANCE” during checkout! 
I wish you a month of riches, manifestation and expansion!
In Love and Light

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